Navigating through dynamic complexity

How strategy executives perceive and shape their role in uncertain times


For this study we conducted more than 100 interviews with leading financial services strategy executives across the banking and insurance sphere of over 20 countries. To identify how they perceive and shape their role in uncertain times, this study focused on the current market perspective, strategy in today’s FS organization and the role and scope of responsibility of Chief Strategy Officers (CSOs).

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Key results based on the three focus topics

  • 1
    Market perspective
    Despite concerning economic prospects, many CSOs believe in the resilience and adaptability of the economy. However, strategy executives see the EMEA financial services sphere in a major upheaval. Additionally, technology – especially artificial intelligence – is perceived as main disruption driver in upcoming years.
  • 2
    Strategy in today’s FS organization
    While the majority of CSOs perceive their institutions well-enough prepared to cope with strategic challenges, they believe their strategy process can be selectively enhanced to further enforce flexibility and business integration. A balanced strategic planning approach should incorporate both long-term strategic principles and short-term strategy capabilities.
  • 3
    CSO’s role and scope of responsibility
    As most CSOs are stretched across many different areas, they can create value in different configurations. Therefore, CSOs are increasingly getting more involved in transformational initiatives beyond the pure strategic agenda.

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Five levers for FS strategy executives to increase impact

  • Upgrade your strategy agility

    Strengthen dynamic strategy capabilities to enable short-term decision-making as a response to the increasing frequency of important (political and) market changes and (technological) tipping points (in addition to a structured strategy process).

  • Make your strategy matter

    Secure a clear mandate for the role of CSO and responsibility and obtain the alignment of relevant senior stakeholders before strategic decision-making.

  • Ensure grip on strategy enforcement

    Reflect on your role regarding strategy execution – define clear KPIs to measure strategy success or, if required, take on direct responsibility for execution to ensure conceptual/ strategic work unfolds its impact.

  • (Help) Walk the talk

    Confirm leadership “buy-in” and ensure management action and communication is coherent with strategy – e.g. supported with incentives and strengthened strategic controlling.

  • Enhance your team

    Make your team one of your management priorities – recruit team members with a diverse range of capabilities as well as progressively upskill your team to improve technology and innovation expertise.

Jonas Heydasch and Benjamin Schneider also contributed to this report.

Contact us

Dr. Philipp Wackerbeck

Dr. Philipp Wackerbeck

Partner, Strategy& Germany

Felix Becht

Felix Becht

Partner, Strategy& Germany
