The quest for leadership

CEO succession in European financial services


Today’s significantly challenging macroeconomic and geopolitical environment as well as associated market uncertainty pose numerous challenges on banks. Considering these market dynamics, the relevance of the CEO role increases and is under special scrutiny from all stakeholders. Throughout the last three years, approximately more than 30 CEO successions occurred within the European banking landscape. This study analyzes the underlying decision patterns and parameters of banks appointing a new CEO successor.

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Main drivers of CEO succession in banks

The decision to a appoint an internal or external CEO successor depends on the overall business performance of the bank or the type of departure of the previous CEO.

By appointing an internal CEO successor, banks commonly strive for stability and consistency. An internal CEO hire commonly facilitates corporate stability through an effective recruiting and onboarding process.

An external CEO successor, commonly offers new strategic business ideas and perspectives for a bank.

Three key empirical patterns

A strong and growing corporate performance of a bank strongly correlates to the appointment of an internal CEO successor – on the other hand, struggling companies commonly examine the value of radical changes by appointing a new external CEO.

Only every 10th CEO succession in the European banking landscape is associated with a female processor or successor. Despite an industry average of approximately 5%, further dynamics are anticipated in the European banking landscape looking forward.

Only 20% of the CEO successions in the European banking landscape throughout the last three years were associated with a planned CEO succession. Sudden or respectively forced turnovers are the predominant succession pattern.

Jonas Heydasch also contributed to this report.

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Dr. Philipp Wackerbeck

Dr. Philipp Wackerbeck

Partner, Strategy& Germany
