Public sector

We help public sector organizations and institutions to master the complex challenges of our time with innovative solutions

Digitizing and modernizing the public sector

The public sector is facing enormous challenges. Whether digitization, skills shortage, climate change or new areas of conflict threatening domestic and international security: rapid changes are putting pressure on the state and administration. Technologies such as artificial intelligence are revolutionizing entire industries and call for well thought-out regulatory responses. The lack of specialists and tight budgets are compelling the state to become more efficient, while at the same time the public is increasingly demanding a digital, people-oriented administration. In the fight against climate change, the public sector is also called upon to lead the way in decarbonizing society. In addition, geopolitical tensions and the associated “change of an era” (Zeitenwende) require extensive investments in national and alliance defense as well as in cyber defense. A modern, sustainable, and resilient state is required in order to meet the diverse requirements and the increased expectations of the general public, policymakers, and businesses.

The digitization of the public sector is crucial for the modernization required at various levels: To protect the interests of the general public and ensure national security, administrative services need to be consistently digitized without being dependent on individual technology providers, and the underlying infrastructure must be comprehensively expanded. To achieve the “Net Zero 2045” target, the public sector must drastically reduce its carbon emissions. This will require significant investment in green technologies, the implementation of energy efficiency measures and the promotion of sustainable behaviors. Profound change is also needed in the area of domestic and international security. In order to live up to the self-imposed claim of being a leading nation within Europe, capability gaps must be closed and existing structures - for example in procurement - must be fundamentally reformed.

Our teams have the strategic, methodological, and technical expertise to help the public sector tackle these diverse challenges. We advise government agencies, public institutions, and non-governmental organizations on developing multi-cloud strategies, identifying specific use cases for AI solutions and implementing appropriate cyber security technologies. We also support them in developing approaches to decarbonize administration and optimize procurement using pragmatic guidelines and processes. Together with experts from the global PwC network, we support our clients from strategy to execution.

Our consulting expertise in the public sector

Digitization and digital sovereignity

We support organizations in developing and implementing coherent IT strategies. This includes the support and turnaround of large-scale digital projects, the transformation of existing IT systems and processes, the development of sovereign cloud and digital strategies, and the design and implementation of digital solutions and services.

Cyber security

In a digital world, cyber security is of utmost importance. We develop comprehensive cyber strategies that protect against cyber threats. We conduct risk assessments, develop risk management plans, and help organizations implement the latest security technologies and practices.

Artificial Intelligence/ Big data

We help organizations realize the full potential of AI and Big Data and derive valuable insights from data. Our experts develop strategic plans to leverage data, perform data analytics, and identify use cases for AI and robotic process automation.


We support clients in organizational development and process optimization. We help create efficient and effective organizational structures that meet the demands of the modern business environment.


Whether it is procurement, supply chain management or process optimization, we streamline our clients’ operational processes and increase their productivity.


We develop and implement ESG strategies as well as sustainable business practices that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. We also assist with ESG reporting to external stakeholders.

Client results

A German federal ministry assigned us to support the construction of critical energy infrastructure in northern Germany. The aim of the project was to create transparency about the project progress and to increase the pace of construction. After analyzing the schedules as well as the project status in the areas of engineering, procurement, approval and construction, we first identified obstacles to the project. We then worked with the responsible authorities to design, prioritize and implement acceleration measures together with the industry. As a result, the first infrastructure was successfully connected to the grid in December 2022 and February 2023.

Digitization is presenting new challenges for the public sector. In view of rapidly growing data volumes and limited capacities, a federal government authority assigned us to identify a secure, external, cloud-based solution. To do this, we analyzed potential cloud providers that could meet the high information security requirements of sovereign administrative tasks. Both functional and technical requirements for the solution (including BSI IT-Grundschutz, C5, DSGVO) were to be taken into account. Based on synthetic data, we also identified further potential use cases that could be migrated as part of an extended cloud usage strategy. On this basis, our consulting team was able to identify potential cloud solutions for the public sector as well as their information security level.

The armed forces of a European alliance partner commissioned us to examine selected fleets of their weapon systems for operational readiness on the basis of Performance-Based Logistics (PBL). The main objective was to increase the material readiness and availability of the respective weapon system by means of the corresponding full range of services provided by industrial partners, for example in the area of maintenance and spare parts supply. After conducting an assessment based on agreed parameters, our teams evaluated the results together with representatives from the military and industry, derived suitable scopes of services for selected systems and translated them into corresponding PBL contracts. With our support, the material readiness and availability of weapon systems could be sustainably increased.

Contact us

Dr. Germar Schröder

Dr. Germar Schröder

Partner, Strategy& Germany
