Telecommunications, media, and technology

Together with our clients, we implement new service architectures, develop sustainable business models, and expand the digital infrastructure

Redefining the role of telecommunications network operators

Technological leaps, new competitors, virtual business processes and changing customer needs: Several developments are putting pressure on the traditional business models of companies in the telecommunications industry. Major tech companies and cloud service providers are entering traditional market segments, compelling established players to revamp their portfolios and offer their services as a platform. New technologies such as 5G enable innovative products and service-oriented architectures, but at the same time require huge investments with high price pressure and difficult planning. Moreover, advances in cloud technology ensure access to new customer segments using a “telco as a platform” approach, but also require significant adjustments to corporate strategy as well as internal processes. All this is happening in a market that is reorganizing itself and becoming increasingly regulated with regard to ESG.

Companies looking to enhance their own position under these conditions must optimize their operational processes and integrate new technologies in their own business model. In case of doubt, this also means adapting and tailoring it to the needs of new customer segments. At the same time, companies need to embed the topic of cyber security more strategically – both in their own processes and in their services and products. Reducing the size of the carbon footprint depends on smart, integrated solutions to realize additional revenue and customer loyalty potential.

Our experts have in-depth technical knowledge in all processes relevant to the telecommunications sector – from technology and marketing to development, sales, and financing. Working closely with our clients, our team identifies the digital potential of telecommunications companies and supports them in their transformation into providers of software-defined products and services. In doing so, we support everything from software-driven product development to sales and support processes in the supply chain. We also help to use data so efficiently that it becomes a growth driver for the entire company.

Our consulting expertise in telecommunications, media, and technology

  • 1
    Transformation of integrated telecommunications providers into providers of software-defined products and services
  • 2
    Identification of digital potentials and quantification of value pools
  • 3
    Design of new digital offerings and prototypes
  • 4
    Technology strategy incl. rollout optimization, infrastructure implementation, go-to-market strategy
  • 5
    Enterprise architecture and flexible platforms
  • 6
    ESG strategy
  • 7
    Data strategy and data operating model
  • 8
    Technology-based process optimization and standardization

Contact us

Jens Niebuhr

Jens Niebuhr

Partner, Strategy& Germany
