Business model reinvention

We help our clients transform their approach to creating, delivering, and capturing value – from ideation to implementation

Making business model reinvention real

From technological disruption to climate change to other converging megatrends, the challenges companies will face over the next decade are substantial. In fact, according to PwC’s 2024 Annual Global CEO Survey, 45% of CEOs believe their organization will not be viable in ten years if it stays on its current path. Already, the large majority (84%) of executives say they find it challenging to keep pace with market demands.

But with strategic support, leaders can convert obstacles into opportunities and meet the future head on. At Strategy&, our community of solvers can work with you to fundamentally rethink and rebuild the best foundation for the future. We can help you strategically target the right customer segments, create new offerings, shape your value propositions, and evolve new ways-to-play that address evolving profit pool shifts and market needs.

That is the essence of business model reinvention, a strategy designed to radically transform, or even revolutionize, how a business drives revenue by aligning your key value propositions with the right core capabilities, processes, and resources. By embracing this approach – and taking decisive action now – organizations can significantly increase their odds of success. With our expertise, alliances, and scale, we are here to help you lead through disruption and thrive in tomorrow’s dynamic landscape.

What is business model reinvention?

Business model reinvention is a systematic approach to understanding, designing, and implementing new ways of doing business – with the goal of unlocking opportunities for new revenue streams by overhauling a company's core operations. It goes beyond incremental changes by identifying the right value proposition for customers, as well as the internal resources and capabilities required to realize that value proposition. As we guide you through your own reinvention journey, we support your organization in fundamentally transforming how it generates revenue, serves its target customers, and delivers products and services – to create, deliver, and capture value.

How Strategy& can help to reinvent your business model

No matter where you are on your innovation journey, whether you are just starting out or already on the road to reinvention, our sector-specific strategists work with you to evaluate and develop a future-proof business model for your success.
There are a number of innovative business model types that can help you create value – from anything-as-a-service (XaaS), connected physical products, digital products, ecosystems, channel disintermediation to value chain shifts – but it can be challenging to navigate the options. With fresh perspectives, industry expertise, and a proven methodology, we guide you at every step from strategy to execution, ensuring continuous and unstoppable reinvention.

Reinvention in action

To prepare for – and thrive in – the dynamic landscapes of tomorrow, all companies can benefit from taking a business model reinvention approach, across sectors and geographies. At the same time, different industries are likely to encounter different challenges and opportunities along the way. Here, we explore some of the key questions and trends that leaders are thinking about when it comes to the future of health, food, defense, and mobility.

Future of food

From mass production to organics and synthetics

Coming soon

Future of mobility

From owning to sharing and using

Coming soon

What makes us distinct

As part of the global PwC network, we work together as a community of solvers – bringing multidisciplinary perspectives, new approaches, and relentless curiosity to understand and untangle some of the world’s most complex problems. Taking a human-led approach, powered by technology, we work to build trust, create value, and deliver transformation that works. 

Contact us

Andreas Späne

Andreas Späne

Europe Leader, Strategy&

Dr. Germar Schröder

Dr. Germar Schröder

Partner, Strategy& Germany

Dr. Thomas Solbach

Dr. Thomas Solbach

Partner, Strategy& Germany

Harald Dutzler

Harald Dutzler

Partner, Strategy& Austria

Harald Wimmer

Harald Wimmer

Global Automotive Leader, Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 221 2084-240
