Pier Paolo Masenza

Pier Paolo Masenza

Partner, Strategy& Italy, FS - Strategy and Value Creation Leader, Strategy& Italy

Pier Paolo is PwC Italy’s Financial Services Strategy & Value Creation Leader and EMEA Value Creation Leader in Financial Services. He is also a member of PwC Italy’s Advisory Board. Moreover, Pier Paolo is a certified accountant and auditor and his sector expertise focuses on retail and corporate banking, NPL, leasing, factoring, asset management, wealth management, debt servicing and real estate

He has more than 30 years’ experience in the banking sector and more than 20 years’ experience, as a financial services Partner in PwC, in the NPL market and in the M&A space.

His key areas of focus are:

  • NPL
  • Securitisations
  • Valuation
  • M&A
  • Business planning
  • Credit and financial due diligence, accounting and auditing
  • Carbon Credit Market

Examples of recent assignments include:

  • Independent expert in an International ICC case
  • Industrial and Financial Advisor on an international carbon credit initiative
  • Assistance in the setup and launch of a new challenger bank for SMEs
  • Industrial advisor in the merger of two leading Italian debt servicers
  • Analysis of growth opportunities for an asset manager specializing in credit and real estate management
  • Benchmark analysis on the economic conditions of debt servicing and real estate services
  • Advisor to a challenger bank in the structuring of a significant risk transfer transaction on a defaulted trade finance portfolio
  • Advisor in the structuring of different types of alternative investment funds (e.g. corporate private debt, secured loans to SME, ...)

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  • Business Strategy
  • Deals Strategy
  • Structured finance
  • M&A


  • Banking
  • NPL
  • Carbon credit


  • Business Administration from University La Sapienza
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