Ab Klink

Ab Klink

Senior Executive Advisor, Strategy& Netherlands

Having served as Health Minister in the Netherlands for four years, Ab Klink has been bringing his valuable experience at the highest level of government to PwC and Strategy& since July 2021. In his role as Senior Executive Advisor, Ab supports clients in Europe and the Middle East with strategic issues as well as sharing his insights on international trends and developments. He is committed to creating a well-functioning healthcare system and the smart application of digitisation to improve healthcare.

Ab is already very familiar with how things work at PwC and the needs of its clients having been a Partner at Strategy& from 2011 to 2013 (when the consultancy was called Booz & Company). During this period, Ab successfully led the firm’s healthcare practice before becoming a board member at healthcare insurance provider VGZ in 2014, where he was responsible for procurement and innovation for eight years.

Having graduated in sociology and law, Ab began his career in 1985 as a social worker with the Dutch Christian Democrat Party (CDA). He then worked from 1992 to 1997 at the Dutch Ministry of Justice before taking on the role as director of the CDA’s science institute. Ab’s interest in healthcare grew when he became Member of Parliament for the Senate in 2003, leading to his appointment as Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport by prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Ab has also been professor of Healthcare, Labour and Political Guidance at the renowned VU university in Amsterdam since 2011.

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