Sustainability Strategy

We develop sustainability strategies for organizations across industries, enabling them to strengthen their competitive advantage and achieve sustainable growth

Putting sustainability at the heart of corporate strategy

Sustainability provides organizations with enormous economic opportunities, but also presents them with unprecedented challenges. The physical effects of climate change and increased transparency along supply chains have led to changing customer and employee demands, investor caution, as well as international treaties such as the Paris Climate Agreement. It is evident that sustainable business is not only crucial for the planet and society: sustainability also promotes innovations that enhance a company’s reputation and ensure long-term profitability.

Our approach to developing a sustainability strategy goes far beyond merely reducing carbon emissions and the goal of achieving net zero. Instead, it entails social elements such as diversity, equity and inclusion, employee well-being, social responsibility, and ethical supply chains. With the support of the wider PwC network – from tax and subsidy, to legal and audit – we ensure that our sustainability strategies meet the necessary economic, compliance and reporting requirements. With our holistic approach, we enable our clients to generate added value, reinforce stakeholder trust, and build resilient, successful businesses.

Our team of experienced consultants supports organizations across all industries in this strategic transformation. We work closely with management and supervisory boards, in-house sustainability teams as well as with the relevant corporate functions and business units to make products and services sustainable and to successfully implement measures for climate change, social impact and value-based management.

Our expertise


Operating model
Regulation and reporting
Financial services
Nature and biodiversity
Supply chain
Human rights

Our strategy consultants work closely with clients to develop comprehensive sustainability strategies that align with core business objectives and stakeholder expectations. We conduct sustainability landscape assessments, identify business opportunities, and establish key performance indicators for steering the sustainability transformation.

Transforming a company's operating model is critical to firmly embed sustainability in its DNA. To ensure this, we support the redesign of corporate governance structures, processes, roles and responsibilities.

Our regulatory experts help companies understand the impact of  sustainability regulations on business models and derive strategic implications. We implement reporting frameworks including materiality analyses to increase transparency and stakeholder accountability.

Our technology specialists support clients to leverage cutting-edge digital solutions, such as generative AI, in order to achieve sustainability goals. We provide technology assessments, identify automation and digitization opportunities, and support the implementation of sustainable technology platforms.

With comprehensive analyses from baselining to strategy development and the implementation of innovative solutions, we help our clients achieve their long-term climate goals and make a positive contribution to global climate action.

We support organizations in developing sustainable financing strategies and mobilizing capital for their sustainability goals. We provide comprehensive advice and solutions to identify sustainable investment opportunities, adapt financial instruments, and align business models for long-term financial stability.

We help clients make the transition to a circular economy and advise them on transforming business models through analyzing their business ecosystem, maximizing resource efficiency, minimizing waste, and returning products and materials to the materials cycle through increasing longevity, repairing, reusing, and recycling.

We integrate the protection of nature and biodiversity into our clients’ business activities. We provide comprehensive advice and solutions to assess ecological risks, identify natural capital assets, and develop strategies to conserve and restore ecosystems.

We help companies build a sustainable and responsible supply chain by assessing suppliers, integrating sustainability criteria into supply decisions, minimizing risks, and improving transparency along the entire supply chain.

We support companies to ensure the protection of human rights in their business activities. We offer comprehensive advice and solutions to identify human rights risks, implement due diligence mechanisms, provide training, and promote sustainable labor practices along the entire value chain.




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Ozan Cığızoğlu

Ozan Cığızoğlu

Territory Leader, Strategy& Türkiye

Mehmet  Özenbaş

Mehmet Özenbaş

Director, Strategy& Turkey