Putting GCC cities in the loop | Ideation Center

Putting GCC cities in the loop

Sustainable growth in a circular economy

This report was published at the World Government Summit 2019

Cities in the GCC account for 85% of the region’s population and are a vital part of the economy. Yet rising urbanization is putting increased pressure on natural resources and is producing waste and emissions in unprecedented volumes.

The circular model offers a framework for sustainable growth by saving on wasteful consumption, extracting value from waste, and by creating new job opportunities. Broader environmental and social benefits also ensue.

Incorporating circular initiatives in urban areas can generate savings in the GCC of US$138 billion by 2030, corresponding to up to 1 percent of the region’s cumulative GDP from 2020-2030. It can also reduce emissions by 150 million tons, virtually the CO2 emissions of Netherlands in 2015.

Download the English report

The circular opportunity in the GCC

Check out how much value and environmental savings can be reaped from implementing circular initiatives.

  • Select a country from the drop-down
  • Navigate through the circular GCC city layers on the right
  • Click on the various opportunities in each layer (indicated by circles) to populate your table and see your potential savings
Select country
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Gulf Cooperation Council
Opportunities selected $ Saved CO2 Saved
Built environment
USD Mn Mn Tons
Sharing and Multi-purposing

Maximizes the utilization of existing floor space hence reducing the need for new buildings. It can be applied to both commercial and residential spaces.

Money saved:
CO2 Saved

Building the circular economy

To set the transition to a circular economy in motion and reap the desired benefits, GCC governments should integrate their efforts in a comprehensive national framework which ensures that all relevant stakeholders contribute towards a holistic solution.

Explore circular opportunities in the city

1 - National policies and plans

Define priority initiatives to spearhead the transition, while continuously monitoring their implementation.

Contact us

Marwan Bejjani

Marwan Bejjani

Partner, Strategy& Middle East

Dr. Yahya Anouti

Dr. Yahya Anouti

Partner and Sustainability Leader, Strategy& Middle East

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