A UAE investment company conducting private equity investments in the GCC wanted an assessment of the opportunities in the healthcare and education sectors.
The client tapped Strategy& to support it in determining attractive focus areas and sector-specific value creation approaches, as well as integrating the findings into an investment story and feasibility document.
After identifying the subsectors and geographies in which to focus, the Strategy& team conducted an in-depth market assessment of each. They looked at the institutional and regulatory frameworks, including the key bodies, level of private company involvement, and maturity of the frameworks; examined key demand drivers, demand forecast, and current demand by region; surveyed the competition — key players, geographic distribution, share of market; identified high-potential investment opportunities and way-to-play; and developed value creation approaches for both stand-alone and portfolio-wide investment. Based on the assessment, the team refined the investment story; conducted sector workshops to align focus areas, value creation approach, and investor story; and developed five-year financial forecasts.
Finally, they integrated market opportunity, investment strategy, investment approach, and the forecasts into a feasibility study.
The senior management team approved the capital deployment approach, five-year financials, and feasibility study, and successfully completed two transactions to date in the healthcare and education sectors.
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