Frequently asked questions

Want to know more? Review these most frequently asked questions and answers about Strategy&

Who are we looking for?

At Strategy& there is no one-size-fits-all candidate profile. Our team welcomes students and staff from all educational backgrounds. 
What unites us, though, is: analytical thinking and the ability to solve complex problems, as well as strong initiative, persuasion skills and ease of establishing interpersonal contacts.

There are several consulting firms out there that provide strategy consulting services. Why Strategy&?

Strategy& is a network of strategic consulting experts, implementing projects on a global scale. At Strategy& Poland, we specialize in areas such as retail, production and logistics. Being part of the global PwC network, we have unlimited access to know-how of our international colleagues in various areas and territories.

What distinguishes us is our approach to people, focusing on teamwork and employee well-being. We also have lots of fun together, we value each other as individuals, develop unique relationships, and just enjoy spending time together

Where are we?

Strategy& has 75 offices in most countries and regions around the world and there are more to come. Check out the most up-to-date list at

What Strategy& has to do with PwC?

Strategy& is part of the global PwC network of member firms, specializing in strategic consulting. Together, these firms cooperate on the implementation of various projects. The PwC network consists of firms which are separate legal entities, offering different elements of employment contracts. Strategy& offers tailored career paths and mentorship programs, making it a package which is second to none.

How to apply?

Step one: choose a job from our job listings search engine. Step two: fill out the application form for the chosen job. Go to the Recruitment process tab to learn more about the recruitment process at Strategy&.

Which Strategy& projects can I be part of?

The first thought that comes to our mind when thinking of working at Strategy& is variety in work tasks – the issues we solve, sectors in which we operate and the regions our clients' businesses are based. There is no such thing as a ,typical project’. The lead time also varies, although most projects last from 4 weeks to 3 months. Each of them varies, allowing you to build, strengthen your skills, and accumulate broad industry knowledge.