Business strategy consulting services

Bringing the know-how, technology, and scale to think and deliver big on your company’s greatest strengths

Now is the time to reimagine how you do business

A world of risks and challenges, from disruption to globalisation. A new economy, defined by technology and fluidity. All these changes are affecting how clients choose to play in the value chain and how they can position themselves for real competitive advantage. It may mean rethinking your corporate core and functions, or adopting new business models altogether.

With codified strategic planning tools and methodologies, we help clients improve performance from the start and position themselves for success. Working together, we focus on differentiating capabilities, cut costs to reinvest in growth, take advantage of digitisation, and open the door for M&A opportunities.

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How we help clients?

Corporate strategy

We help clients improve performance and position themselves for success by assessing how internal and external changes affect progress towards strategic goals, with foresight and analysis of competitive dynamics and considering the clients’ key capabilities.

Services include:

  • Corporate centre profitability 
  • Enterprise strategies 
  • Annual planning processes 
  • Scenario planning 
  • Strategic planning 
  • Wargaming

Organic growth

Organic growth may seem tougher than ever, but we use proven strategies and the full benefits of PwC’s global network to help our clients take full advantage of opportunities. We focus on enhancing or adding differentiating capabilities for the market share you can get, not the market share you don’t have.

Portfolio strategy

A good product or service alone is no longer sufficient for success. Instead, outstanding portfolio management is a necessity. We help clients make smart capital investments to leverage their greatest strengths and propel future growth. Our insights and methodology will ensure that your portfolios and resources remain aligned with your overall objectives and strategies and help you develop the agility to quickly respond to market changes.

Pricing and profitability

Tailoring the right pricing strategy to the product life cycle is critical to success. Pricing must be set in the context of the broader marketplace — customers, channels, and competitors — and align with a company’s overall strategy. We help clients develop holistic pricing strategies and capabilities that support profitable growth and optimize value capture.

Services include:

  • Pricing and revenue model strategy 
  • Customer portfolio profitability and optimization 
  • Trade promotion, rebate, and discount effectiveness

Shareholder value strategy

Maximising shareholder value means choosing a course of action that has the most intrinsic value. We help clients improve their shareholder value by setting goals based on insight and foresight about the fundamental sources and drivers of value. We then identify and build capabilities at the enterprise level and across business units that will drive sustainable growth over the long term.

Strategic planning

Over the long term, strategic planning yields major benefits by continuously evaluating your company’s performance against strategic goals and using benchmarks to tell you how external changes are affecting your progress. We help clients build and maintain a relevant planning and performance management system, with clearly articulated objectives and metrics to stay on track.

Growth by acquistion

When organic growth may seem tougher than ever, M&A strategies help our clients realize their strategic goals, such as: market share increase, business diversification, integration along the value chain or simply achieving synergies between two entities. We help our clients along the entire process, starting with acqusition strategy development through commercial due diligence and ending with support during the integration process after the transaction is complete.

Services include:

  • M&A strategies
  • Identifications and selection of best acquisition targets
  • Identification and quantification of synergies
  • Commercial due diligence
  • Business plan assessment
  • Value Creation Plan
  • PMI

Consumer loyalty

Building customer loyalty is a key area for revenue or margin growth in highly competitive markets. Presice definition of the goals and mechanics of the loyalty program allows companies to increase the frequency and value of customer purchases at a relatively low cost. Thanks to loyalty programs, it is also possible to obtain unique information about the behavior and purchasing propensities of the customers. However, in order for the loyalty program to work properly, it must integrate the promo strategy, cooperation with the program partners and also have a well-designed customer journey supported by high CX score.

Services include:

  • Loyalty program design
  • Loyalty program performance audit
  • Incremental analysis
  • Definition of pricing-promo-loyalty logic
  • CX audit and imrpovement of loyalty mechanics
  • Customer journey design (including role and contactpoints of loyalty program)

Contact us

Krzysztof Badowski

Krzysztof Badowski

Partner, Strategy& Polska

Tel: +48 608 333 277

Maciej Kroenke

Maciej Kroenke

Partner, Strategy& Polska

Tel: +48 502 380 595
