AI & coral reefs

AI is increasingly being harnessed for good & in the future it could improve the health of coral reefs.

In a world where organisations are facing disruptive competition, those that succeed will be those that operate in an environment where change is the norm and the speed of technological advancement demands they transform, at pace. This ‘AI and coral reefs’ example highlights how emerging technologies combined with human insight could have the power to transform even the most finely balanced and complex natural environments.

¹Real-time monitoring with AI can improve decision-making in fields ranging from species management and protection to natural resource management to climate resilience. One early example is a group that have started to work together to develop and implement open-source solutions to provide the data needed for comprehensive monitoring of ocean resources, from satellites to data from ocean exploration technologies. Developed fully, this approach could allow decision makers to use machine learning to monitor, predict and respond to changing conditions such as illegal fishing, a disease outbreak or a coral-bleaching event.

¹Fourth Industrial Revolution for the Earth - PwC

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