The road to responsible growth

How consumer brands and retailers can accelerate growth through purpose

Look ahead: Retail and consumer goods

What responsible change looks like for consumer brands and retailers

Where next for retail and consumer goods? How should consumer markets build for purposeful growth in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical instability? 

These are two central questions explored in the latest Strategy& report, The road to responsible growth.

Recent events have hit consumer markets hard. Over the last 2 years, Covid-19 forced many retailers to shutter operations, some permanently. It also accelerated underlying market trends, reshaping the industry in the process, leading to faster online penetration, increased consumer focus on nesting, and, notably, a greater focus on conscientious and sustainable consumption.

Elsewhere, geopolitical situations have led to higher food and energy prices and the biggest jump in the cost of living in recent history.

The report draws on the industry insights of our consulting and deals strategy teams. It explores key underlying trends which are reshaping the sector and identifies the levers of growth and the actions those involved in the industry should consider next. Organisations that focus on supply chain transparency, diversity and inclusion, and net zero goals will propel responsible change.     

To find out more download our report below. 

"43% of UK consumers are willing to pay a premium for a sustainable or ethical product in the apparel and accessories category."

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Jacqueline Windsor

Jacqueline Windsor

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Dr Colin Light

Dr Colin Light

Strategy& and Customer Led Transformation leader, PwC United Kingdom

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