COVID-19: UK industry focus - Where next for consumer goods?

Most consumer goods companies have played a critical role during the COVID-19 crisis, keeping consumers around the world supplied and protecting the most vulnerable.

The immediate priorities for the sector are clear: focus on the health and safety of essential workers, ensure a strong balance sheet and liquidity, and maintain product availability.

However, COVID-19 has caused substantial changes to consumer and trade behaviour. The critical question for businesses is how much of this remains after the pandemic. Previous consumer disruptions that have created forced experimentation have led to long-term behavioural changes. Successful brands will be those that best detect demand patterns, at an increasingly local level.

Our experts discuss the importance of protecting trusted brands, refining products and assortments, and building flexible supply chains for the future.

“In the future, we will see shorter supply chains closer to end consumers, with higher degrees of automation to aid resilience and protect against reduced human capacity.”

How we can help 

This insight is brought to you using the capability of Strategy&, PwC’s global strategy house, alongside our PwC industry experts. Together, we transform organisations by developing actionable strategies that deliver results.

We are uniquely placed to combine strategy with technical, industry and execution expertise. We embed our strategy capabilities with expert teams across our PwC network, to show you where you need to go, the choices you’ll need to make to get there, and how to get it right.

The result is an authentic strategy process powerful enough to capture possibility, while pragmatic enough to ensure effective delivery. It’s the strategy that turns vision into reality. It’s strategy, made real.


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Contact us

Dr Colin Light

Dr Colin Light

Strategy& and Customer Led Transformation leader, PwC United Kingdom

Lisa Hooker

Lisa Hooker

Global FDD Leader and Retail, Consumer and Leisure Specialist, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7802 882562

Inge Cajot

Inge Cajot

Partner, Strategy, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7764 235425

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