Jana is a Director, based in our Frankfurt office. After finishing her Master’s in Management at the WHU-Otto-Beisheim School of Management, she joined Strategy& in 2015. She was promoted to Senior Associate in 2017 and to Manager in 2020.
A: After successfully completing the interview process, which consisted of three combined personality and case interviews, of which one was conducted in English, I already had the feeling that I “belonged”; even before my internship started. Immediately after my interviews, for example, I was contacted by two partners who offered to answer any questions I had. Before my internship started, my mentor, who was there for me throughout my entire internship, informed me about my upcoming projects and organizational matters. On the project itself, my manager supported me in my work tasks and was there for me even on topics outside of the job. In addition to my mentor and job manager, I could always contact my colleagues from the project team or the Düsseldorf office at any time. During my 10-week internship, I was able to get to a valuable insight in many exciting work areas and gained a very realistic impression of the everyday life of a consultant.
A: I have consistently gained positive experiences and learned a lot. In terms of content, I liked the varied, analytical and challenging project work as well as the fact that I was able to interact with the client from day one. Apart from the project work, however, the "soft" factors around me have also inspired me. From the beginning, I was treated as a full-fledged team member by my project team and was supported by all my colleagues from the junior consultant to the partner. Also, I really enjoyed Fridays in the office. The office culture was always pleasant, productive and supportive and I integrated well into the office community and felt completely at home there.
A: If you successfully complete the internship, you have the chance to be admitted to the "Strategy& Talent" program. Besides participating in events and trainings, being part of the program gives you the opportunity to take part in a shortened interview process for a full time position. My project manager had already arranged the final interviews for my last internship day - so I could complete the internship with an offer as an associate (master) and start my final master's semester with a signed contract of employment in my pocket. A very good feeling!
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