Nassim is a Manager based in Paris, he oversees the Analytics and Data Science team. Nassim has an initial training as a computer engineer acquired at the Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique (ESI) in Algiers and is also a graduate of Grenoble Ecole de Management in Business Intelligence. Nassim is specialized in Big Data, Analytics and Data Science applied to performance improvement.
It was the issues addressed, their diversity and the analytical dimension. I was able to discover several sectors and functions across the entire value chain, from sales & marketing to manufacturing, supply chain and finance. It was a great cross-company school, during which I learned a lot about the challenges of different functions and activities, both from more experienced colleagues and clients.
The "fit" that I was able to have with the team, the culture that brings together excellence and caring and the entrepreneurial side that encourages innovation and invests in the means necessary for its development.
Show initiative and don't hesitate to come up with innovative ideas. Many of the great initiatives at Strategy& come from young associates who have dared to submit them!
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