In Mergercast 58, principals with PwC US Tom Hansson and Abhijeet Shekdar discuss the growth challenges large, well-established food and beverage companies are facing today and how to address them against a backdrop of changing consumer tastes, impatient capital markets, high cost structures and anemic top-line growth.
In Mergercast 60, John Boxall, Lori Bistis, and Paul Kennedy discuss megadeals, in the entertainment, media and communications sector.
In Mergercast 59, Dr. Roman Friedrich, and Rolf Meakin discuss the risks of a business-as-usual approach for telecoms, and the need to digitize, simplify and...
In Mergercast 58, Tom Hansson and Abhijeet Shekdar discuss the growth challenges large, well-established food and beverage companies are facing today.
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