Gianluigi Benetti

Gianluigi Benetti

Partner, Strategy& Italy

Gianluigi Benetti is a Partner at Strategy& Italy, in the financial services practice. Based in Milan and Padova, he is the strategy lead Partner for specialty finance, credit management, business services and strategy-deals related projects.

His key areas of focus are:

  • growth strategies

  • target operating and distribution model design

  • corporate finance

  • business planning

  • commercial due diligence

He has supported banks, both main street and challengers, lending and servicing specialists, insurance companies and other market players in Europe and Middle East. He has contributed to many Strategy& reports, in specialty finance, challenger banks, consumer credit and NPL management

Examples of recent assignments include:

  • Entry strategy definition in the consumer lending market for a primary Italian banking group

  • Consumer lending strategy review for a Top Tier Italian banking group 

  • Strategic plan for a specialty finance challenger bank

  • Scouting and strategic-financial advisor in a servicing platform acquisition on behalf of an international credit management specialist

  • For a specialized Italian bank, support in the acquisition and merger of two NPL platform and servicing entities

  • For a number of Regional Banks, strategic assessment and business plan review, supporting the interaction with Bank of Italy

  • Business Plan for a new Fintech initiative, aimed at developing a new retail distribution model and BNPL (buy now pay later) platform

  • Commercial due diligence in business services, credit management and specialty finance

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  • Business Administration - Università Bocconi Milano
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